Our Code of Conduct and our guidelines form the working basis of our supervisory bodies, all DAHW employees, partners and service providers worldwide.
DAHW uses the funds entrusted to it sparingly, effectively and transparently. The economic situation is monitored by regular budget monitoring (target/actual comparisons) of all responsible parties. Our annual financial statements are audited by an auditor, and most regional offices also undergo an annual external audit. DAHW has been applying for and receiving the donation seal of the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) for many years.
In order not to endanger the goals of our organization, DAHW maintains registers in which risks in the various work areas are recorded, assessed on the basis of their probability of occurrence and potential damage and reported to the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board.
Our risk management focuses on success risks, strategic risks and reputational risks. Risk-reducing measures are defined and implemented in the operating divisions (e.g. appropriate processes, work instructions and controls). These are regularly reviewed and adjusted if necessary. The system also ensures that opportunities that are implemented are consciously seized within the framework of management and control mechanisms.
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To ensure the effectiveness of our projects and to be able to measure the success of the measures, our experts define various indicators in a systematic planning matrix ("logframe") as early as the project planning stage. To this end, assessments are carried out in order to assess the framework conditions on site, to identify optimisation possibilities at an early stage and to tailor the project specifically to the needs of the beneficiaries and the framework conditions on site.
Regular monitoring and mid-term evaluations (expert assessments carried out about halfway through the project) ensure that our consultants promptly identify the need for adaptation in the projects and make appropriate changes. After completion of a project, we carry out a comprehensive final evaluation. The focus here is on the lessons learned, i.e. the findings, knowledge and experience that we can draw from concrete project work on site. The results flow into our future project design, i.e. into the design of the project process, organisation and structure.
The pressure on donor-financed non-governmental organisations is growing: More and more NGOs are struggling to attract the attention of fewer and fewer people willing to donate who are in
of the modern media world are flooded with information and stimuli. Nevertheless there are limits in the donation advertisement (not only cost-sided): It may people, who in
are not instrumentalizing, depriving or endangering their dignity. In its communication and fundraising DAHW follows the recommendations on ethics in donation mailings of DZI and Verband Entwicklungspolitik deutscher Nichtregierungsorganisationen e.V. (Development Policy Association of German Non-Governmental Organisations). (VENRO). Our guidelines contain guidelines on this subject.